MK PowerTools SQL supports all versions of Sage BusinessVision
7.0x to 7.9x (2019).
Important Information:
MK PowerTools requires Pervasive.SQL Server or Workgroup version 10.31.45. Visit to get the latest patches for your database server. Check Add/Remove Programs for the version of Pervasive installed on your data Server. If the version is 10.30.22, then you MUST install the Pervasive patch otherwise your server may crash.
Instructions to upgrade MK PowerTools SQL:
If you have an existing installation of MK PowerTools
SQL, simply download and run the full install executable on each computer
and your MK PowerTools SQL will be automatically
upgraded to the latest version. Version detection
and database compatibility is fully automatic.
1. Click on the link to
download the upgrade and save it to disk, preferably save it
on a network drive that is accessible from all the workstations
that require the PowerTools upgrade.
2. Run the mkpt771full.exe
(or later) from the network share and follow the prompts.
3. Start MK PowerTools SQL from the desktop icon and select
the company, the system should upgrade the database
connection automatically.